I’m sorry. Thank you. I love you. These three short sentences are from an ancient Hawaiian Practice called Ho’oponopono.
The next time you’re in an uncomfortable experience, try these few words. Say them aloud, whisper with just your breath, place your hand over your sternum in a lovingly way as if it was your child, your partner, or a dear friend. Whatever.
I’m sorry. I’m sorry you’re feeling this way. Be sincere. Be kind. Be understanding. This feeling is here, it’s new, it’s transient.
Thank you. Thank you for telling me. Now that it’s on my radar I can do something about it. Awareness is key and it’s necessary for intimacy and it’s the seed of hope for the desired change.
I love you. The response to this moment matters. Most human behaviors are distilled down to the aversion of fear or pursuit of something we desire. Your next move, your next thought matters. Try positive regard towards yourself and this experience. You do it for your loved ones every day.